Among the 660 million devotees who visited Prayagraj in India’s Uttar Pradesh province forthe Maha Kumbh, approximately 3 million were foreigners from around 70 countries.
"There was an overwhelming feeling of oneness," said Ana from Mexico City, while Lollyfrom California, US, described her experience at the Maha Kumbh as "better than I had imagined".As the Maha Kumbh 2025 comes to an end on Wednesday, it is a good time to see what memoriesthe millions of foreigners who took part in the ancient Hindu event are taking back with them.
Though Indians are generally used to crowds, colours, commotion and energy, for visitorsfrom abroad, this was a never-before-like experience. What was common in their reactions was howthey were touched by the generosity of Indians and how comfortable they felt despite the crowd ofpeople around them.
As per the estimate of the Government of Uttar Pradesh, During 45 days of Kumbh, whichended with Mahasivratri’s Amrut Snaan, more than 660 million devotees took a dip at the holyTriveni Sangam, the confluence of Ganga, Yamuna and the mythical Saraswati.
The first and the foremost sense that hits people, be they from India or abroad, is the crowdand the associated energy that comes with the millions. The Kumbh Mela at Prayagraj would haveset a world record as the largest peaceful congregation of people.
"There is this overwhelming feeling of oneness," Ana from Mexico told Indian news agencyPTI. She is travelling as part of a group of travellers from countries, including the US, Colombia, Chileand Italy. "For all of us, the biggest and most beautiful thing we have witnessed is the kindness ofpeople and their beautiful acts of generosity to strangers," she said, adding that, "The biggesttakeaway is the love and devotion Indians have for everything and everyone." Ramon, a fellowMexican who has been to India earlier, said the experience was "better than expected, despite theexcessively large crowd". "There was no problem security-wise," he added.
Generally, for people travelling abroad, security is a big concern. That too if they are to bepart of a large gathering. But it is the kindness of Indians and their acts of generosity that mostforeign visitors to the Maha Kumbh kept on highlighting. Jose, a Spanish devotee at the MahaKumbh, told news agency ANI that he was on a spiritual trip with his friends from Spain, Brazil andPortugal. "I took the holy dip and I enjoyed it very much. I am very lucky," said Jose.
Many who visited the Maha Kumbh said it was like a primer to understanding India andIndians. Christine, a Russian visitor at the Maha Kumbh, said the "real India and the real power ofIndia, its people" are visible here. She said she couldn't even begin to explain the "vibe of the place"."I am shaking because of the vibe of the people of this holy place," she told ANI. Avigail from Austriasaid, "This is a once in a lifetime experience… I have started understanding the people of India."
The Ministry of External Affairs and the UP government had in January expected that around1.5 million foreigners would be participating in Maha Kumbh 2025. But Minister of Tourism and
Culture Gajendra Singh Shekhawat soon doubled the number to 3 million, seeing the excitementsurrounding the Kumbh Mela. “We expected about 1.5 million people (foreign tourists) would bevisiting Maha Kumbh. But seeing the response and the inflow, we have revised our estimation, whichis double our initial estimate,” Shekhawat said.
On February 1, a 118-strong foreign delegation, including diplomats and their spouses, tooka dip at the Sangam. "When you see so many people engrossed in spirituality here at the confluenceof the rivers Ganga, Yamuna, and Saraswati, one feels a strange power," said Colombia'sAmbassador Victor Hugo Echeverri Jaramillo. Diana Alipova, the wife of the Russian Ambassador toIndia, was impressed with the safety, organisation, and cleanliness at the Maha Kumbh, according toan IANS report.
Lolly from California, US, who was travelling to the Maha Kumbh as part of a multi-countrygroup, spoke of how she felt absolutely comfortable amid the crowd of devotees. "It wasoverwhelming in the best way possible. I didn't expect it to be so comfortable with so many peoplearound. It was better than anything I had imagined," she told PTI. "Everyone has been willing to offersomething," Lolly said, echoing Ana from Mexico, who said that she was surprised by the acts ofkindness from strangers. Ana said "magical things happen in India", and turn unplanned trips intobeautiful visits. "Just being in this land is holy and divine. I feel blessed," she summed up herexperience.
It is for the first time in the history of Kumbh that such a huge number of foreigners came toIndia to participate in a religious event. Religious tourism by foreigners will have a differentdimension in years to come and has a potential to reshape the tourism industry in India.
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