PANKAJ SHARMA When Hindu minorities in Bangla Desh faced grave hostilities, PrimeMinister Narendra Modi was under tremendous pressure to deal with theneighbouring country strongly. He...
PANKAJ SHARMA After Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s USA visit, there are apprehensions about theprospects of the deal of F-35 stealth fighter aircrafts. There are...
BAYAR PALAK In recent years, India has embarked on a journey to modernize its defence forces, aiming tobolster its capabilities in response to evolving geopolitical...
by GII Bureau The Indian economy is one of the fastest-growing economies inthe world. However, it faces a number of challenges that need to beaddressed...
दो हज़ार सोलह आज चला जाएगा। कल सुबह का सूरज अपने साथ दो हज़ार सत्रह लेकर आएगा। राज-काज में अपने प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र दामोदर दास मोदी...
Prime Minister Narendra Modi has issued a new timeline for normalcy to return. He wants his MPs to go to their constituencies and spread the...
यह पहला मौक़ा है, जब किसी प्रधानमंत्री की ज़िद ने संसद के एक पूरे सत्र को इस तरह गर्द-टोकरी के हवाले किया हो। यह पहला...
Listening to Prime Minister Narendra Modi in Kozhikode, I observed that the recent attack on Uri’s army camp by Pakistan-sponsored terrorists has made him finally...
आतंकवादी बुरहान वानी के मारे जाने के बाद कश्मीर में भड़की हिंसा को काबू करने के लिए इस्तेमाल की गईं इस्राइली पिलट बंदूकों से ज़ख़्मी...
In the middle of next month when mercury will bob between 40 to 44 degrees, Prime Minister Narendra Modi and the Commander of Bhartiya Janata...